Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Half Way through the MTC!

**side note**

Joe was working out last week and his knee gave out. Its the knee that he had torn his ACL and meniscus and so we were very worried. He had to have an MRI on it...the doctor there couldnt see anything, so they were sending him to an orthopedic surgeon. Its now been almost a week since we have heard ANYTHING--happy for the update!

Joe's letter:

I go in on Thursday to my orthopedic surgeon again. I sprained my MCL tore my meniscus and stretched my ACL. So I will probably have to have my knee scoped to repair my meniscus but that means that I don't have to come home for surgery and they are trying to still get me out on time. I hate crutches with a passion and I have to take them everywhere I go. They gave me an MCL brace that I've been wearing and that makes it so that I can walk but I'm still in pain.

On the upside my Spanish is coming along quite nicely. I'm learning alot and am speaking more fluent and better in our lessons and just talking to people in general. I don't have to talk in Spanish all the time but one of our teachers wants us to only speak English at the apartment, gym time, and at lunch. So from breakfast to lunch is spanish. we get a 45 minute break and then from 12- 9 it is all Spanish. Of course at the moment we don't do very well because we know enough but not tons. I'm the most fluent and know the most Spanish in my District. I translate for my companion during lessons, help him come up with words, and during class when the teacher asks a question and they don't respond within a minute or two, I help them understand what he is asking. This is my last week as District Leader. It's a good and bad thing. It's good because know I have some burdens lifted off of my shoulders and I don't have to go to so many meetings It's bad because now I'm not going to have all the information about what is going on in the zone and ways that I can help make it better because that is what we go over in my meetings on Sunday.

I'm glad to hear that Randy is doing better and that Phoebe is showing him some love and thinking about me.  I hope Jace can get a promotion and that Jeff can get the job/ buy in.

It snowed on us yesterday when we were walking home from church which is across from the football stadium. I slipped on some snow and fell on my face. It was really embarrassing. And it is snowing right now as well. It's weird having snow outside but i like it.

I'm loving it here at el CCM (the MTC). I have only two and a half more weeks to go and I'm in MEXICO!!!!! I go to get my Visa on Friday and am super stoked about that. I think I might get to go to Vegas to get it but I'm not sure. I find out tomorrow.

Well I sure LOVE you all and MISS you all so very much. But I'm so happy learning to do the Lord's work. Love you ALL!!!!!
Elder Joseph Harold Wight

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