Tuesday, December 3, 2013

After the surgery

Joe had his knee scoped in Utah and the surgeon found that his ripped meniscus from 2 years ago never fully healed from that surgery. Joe had been running, and exercising on a half torn meniscus for 2 years! Yikes. So the surgeon repaired that and trimmed the rest up, and he believes that Joe will be better than ever and feel so much better. Best news is that Joe still gets to leave the MTC on time!! Hooray!**

Hola Madre!! It's going ok right now. Today was the day that I was able to take off all my bandages and finally take a shower without duct taping plastic bags to my leg. YAY! It still hurts pretty bad. It was weird. When they wheeled me into surgery they didn't knock me out until after I got myself on the operating table.It was a different experience than when Sharpe did surgery on me.

They gave me a wheelchair that I've been using for the weekend and it's been really nice. although last night coming back from devotional my companion wasn't paying attention and ran me into a ditch. After we finally got me out, the wheel had bent and the wheelchair wasn't workable. So I asked a ployonesian and a big white elder if they could help me walk to Wyview to get another wheelchair. That was a LONG walk back. So I got another wheelchair and went and chilled with the the district that left today that we were all really close to for an hour and they gave us a TON of food, another nerf hoop and other things that have been passed down from districts for a year and now we are in charge of making sure it gets passed down.

I've been walking on my knee so it's hurting but i'm tired of being stuck on crutches and in a wheelchair. The doctor said that I'm fine to leave with my district two weeks from today!!!!! I'm so excited to get out of here and go to MEXICO! Things are slowly getting better with my companion. I'm learning alot of spanish and am able to use it. We converted one of our investigators to baptism and get two new ones this week. We also get to host and show new missionaries around on Wednesday. I also get to hear L TOM PERRY tomorrow for our Tuesday devotional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm super excited.

Oh by the way, one of my teachers Kendrick Turner sent you a friend request because I told him to because he asked me about all the trials that our family has gone through and after I told him everything he said he wanted to talk to my family so I told him to facebook you. My teachers are awesome and i'm so excited to get out into the field!

 I'm sorry to hear about Andi and what she's going through. Tell her that I think that it is going to be a boy and that as soon as she knows, I want to know. I'm also very sad that Randy got pneumonia and had to go back to the hospital. The poor guy has gone through so much over the past month and a half and it's not getting easier. I'm praying for him and for all of you every night and every prayer that I say during the day which is like close to ten times a day. I love you all sooooooo much and can't wait to Skype at Christmas! I love you!!!
Elder Wight

PS i'm sending some things home that I would like you to keep for me until I get back from my mission. Thanks!!

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