Tuesday, December 17, 2013

2.5 down

Everything is great down here in Monterrey!
Yesterday we had an investigator bring her famil to church and the daughter wants to be baptized right away! As soon as we have a lesson with her i get the opportunity to invite her to baptsm!!!! That would make three investigators that accepted baptism including her mom. We also had two less active families that we visited come to church and seemed to really enjoy it again.
I¨m glad to hear that everyone is doing well and nothing is bad up there.
Time is really flying by. Today marks a month here in Monterrey and two and a half months of my mission!! That´s crazy that Sally leaves in a few weeks!
I´m going to ask a family in the ward if they will let me use their skype and I´m about 98 percent sure the will let me. If that´s the case, next monday I will give you information about the time and everything. I can´t wait!
Walking 5-7 miles a day is pretty brutal on my knees but I keep praying for strength to keep chugging along. My Spanish is doing very well. I fully participate in conversations now and am able to communicate very well. People comment on my accent and how well I can speak and then when they ask how much time I have in the mission and I say three weeks you should see the look on their face. It makes me feel good. Also when they ask me how old I am and i tell them I´m 18 they think I´m lying. I ask them , "well how old do i look?" They answer twenty five at least. Im so much bigger than most of the people here.
Also after this I will be sending many pictures for you all to enjoy :) I love the Lord, I love the opportunity I have to serve the wonderful people of This great city, and I love missionary work. I love and miss all of you and cant wait to talk on christmas! Tata for now!!
Elder Joseph Harold Wight

Monday, December 9, 2013

I thought I signed up for Mexico, not Alaska!

Everything is going pretty great!!!

WE have ten investigators at the moment and are working on getting eight more by the end of this week. My Spanish I guess is coming along really well because members and investigators keep telling me how good my Spanish is especially for two weeks.

We mostly go to little stores that are in the nieghborhoods to buy snacks and paper stuff for church. WE have access to Soriana or HEB which are like walmart.

WE just got hot water in our house today so im super excited to shower tomorrow. Its actually super cold down here. The past four days have all been in the thirties and low forties. I thought I signed up for MEXICO not Alaska!!!! hahaha jk I love the cold! i get to use my big coat and gloves!

I love our ward and the members. WE had four encounters with drunk people in Alianza, the poor area that we have. They were interesting. But ya everyting is going great!!!

Thats so cool that Whit gets to go to Lithuania!!! Thats crazy!!!

Im sad to hear that about Randy dand but I know that everything will turn out the way that its supposed to. I see the Lords hand in all the things that i do down here.

My knees are doing pretty bad with this cold weather and the fact that we walk about 5-7 miles everyday and uneven rocky terrain. But I love it down here and wouldnt trade it for anything in the world!!!

I love you all SOOOOO much and miss you like crazy!!!
Elder Joseph Harold Wight :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

In Mexico, Finally!!

Hola Familia!!!

Its great here in Mexico!! My companion is Elder Campos. He is a small Mexican who speaks ok english and is from Guerrero Mexico. I arrived on Monday and spent the day in meetings with the office staff and an interview from Presidente Swapp. Then we spent the night with the front office at their apartment around the corner and woke up the next morning for more meetings. We then found out who our trainers were, got some materials and then headed for our house. we took a taxi to a station where all of the new missionaries and their traniers were and then took another taxi for 30 minutes to our house.

Our area is Lincoln A. Elder Hassard is with his trainer in Lincoln B. So i see him quite a bit. He still really struggles but his spanish will come along sometime. We are trying to help him. As for me, the Spanish is coming along. I can understand almost everything that people say but I get scared that I cant conjugate the word correctly so that they understand me so i either say very little or nothing at all. But I am learning quite a bit and opening my mouth more.

Our week started off great. My first day we got three new investigators. But the past three days, all of our appointments have fallen through (20) and we have had very minmal contacts. But I konw things will get better if we keep working hard.

We cover an area called Barrio Estrella which is middle class, Alianza which is lower class and some houses made from garbage and others have no roof, and mitras poinientes which is super nice and rich. Nobody here has carpet. it is either concrete or tile. our apartmernt was super dirty but we have cleaned it up pretty good.

I love my companion and we get along really well. Church was awesome. We have a big branch or a super small ward. 100 people if we are lucky. But one of our investigators came to church so we were super stoked!!!!! Missions are amazing whether good or bad things happen.

Oh and we had two drunk mexicans start yelling at us and saying , how can you e messengers of God if you dont have the Bible memorized. They started moving really close to Elder Campos and I moved inbetween them. Because Im so much bigger than everyone here, they stopped, looked at me, apologized and walked away. That was interesting.

Well anyways my time is about to run out here at the corner store. I love you all soooooo much and miss you all soooooo much and cant wait to talk to you again.

I think andi and jace are going to have a boy because i want a nephew for when i get back.

I will pray for israel and I hope all continues to go well for everybody!


Elder Joseph Wight

I'm leaving on a Jet Plane!

I'm so jealous that whenever I'm not in Arizona it rains!!! But that's cool to hear that it is raining there but not that Randy is struggling with seizures. That's a major bummer.
Tell Jane I said Happy Birthday I love her and miss her and give her a hug and a kiss for me please! :)
I got the package and love it!!! So does my district haha.
My knee is doing really well and I know that the Lord is constantly blessing me. I think that I am going to call on the payphone and talk. Thanks for putting money in my account. I got to fly to Boise Idaho for my Visa at 4:30 in the morning on Friday. I spent all day in Boise and stayed overnight with the missionaries in the mission. i woke up the same time Saturday and came back to Provo. It was a LONG day.
Aftere we arrived at Boise, We went to lunch at Wendys and it tasted soooooo good. After that we went to Boise State, saw that Blue and orange Field and took pictures, then we went to the consolate, took our picture and fingerprints and then gave us our passports and visas. Then we went to the Boise temple which is really small but very beautiful, took pictures and the four of us decided to do a session. it was amazing! Then we went to a place similar to Golden Corral and then to the missionaries apartments. I will respond to your other email now and send pictures. Love You sooo much!!!
Elder Wight

After the surgery

Joe had his knee scoped in Utah and the surgeon found that his ripped meniscus from 2 years ago never fully healed from that surgery. Joe had been running, and exercising on a half torn meniscus for 2 years! Yikes. So the surgeon repaired that and trimmed the rest up, and he believes that Joe will be better than ever and feel so much better. Best news is that Joe still gets to leave the MTC on time!! Hooray!**

Hola Madre!! It's going ok right now. Today was the day that I was able to take off all my bandages and finally take a shower without duct taping plastic bags to my leg. YAY! It still hurts pretty bad. It was weird. When they wheeled me into surgery they didn't knock me out until after I got myself on the operating table.It was a different experience than when Sharpe did surgery on me.

They gave me a wheelchair that I've been using for the weekend and it's been really nice. although last night coming back from devotional my companion wasn't paying attention and ran me into a ditch. After we finally got me out, the wheel had bent and the wheelchair wasn't workable. So I asked a ployonesian and a big white elder if they could help me walk to Wyview to get another wheelchair. That was a LONG walk back. So I got another wheelchair and went and chilled with the the district that left today that we were all really close to for an hour and they gave us a TON of food, another nerf hoop and other things that have been passed down from districts for a year and now we are in charge of making sure it gets passed down.

I've been walking on my knee so it's hurting but i'm tired of being stuck on crutches and in a wheelchair. The doctor said that I'm fine to leave with my district two weeks from today!!!!! I'm so excited to get out of here and go to MEXICO! Things are slowly getting better with my companion. I'm learning alot of spanish and am able to use it. We converted one of our investigators to baptism and get two new ones this week. We also get to host and show new missionaries around on Wednesday. I also get to hear L TOM PERRY tomorrow for our Tuesday devotional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm super excited.

Oh by the way, one of my teachers Kendrick Turner sent you a friend request because I told him to because he asked me about all the trials that our family has gone through and after I told him everything he said he wanted to talk to my family so I told him to facebook you. My teachers are awesome and i'm so excited to get out into the field!

 I'm sorry to hear about Andi and what she's going through. Tell her that I think that it is going to be a boy and that as soon as she knows, I want to know. I'm also very sad that Randy got pneumonia and had to go back to the hospital. The poor guy has gone through so much over the past month and a half and it's not getting easier. I'm praying for him and for all of you every night and every prayer that I say during the day which is like close to ten times a day. I love you all sooooooo much and can't wait to Skype at Christmas! I love you!!!
Elder Wight

PS i'm sending some things home that I would like you to keep for me until I get back from my mission. Thanks!!

Half Way through the MTC!

**side note**

Joe was working out last week and his knee gave out. Its the knee that he had torn his ACL and meniscus and so we were very worried. He had to have an MRI on it...the doctor there couldnt see anything, so they were sending him to an orthopedic surgeon. Its now been almost a week since we have heard ANYTHING--happy for the update!

Joe's letter:

I go in on Thursday to my orthopedic surgeon again. I sprained my MCL tore my meniscus and stretched my ACL. So I will probably have to have my knee scoped to repair my meniscus but that means that I don't have to come home for surgery and they are trying to still get me out on time. I hate crutches with a passion and I have to take them everywhere I go. They gave me an MCL brace that I've been wearing and that makes it so that I can walk but I'm still in pain.

On the upside my Spanish is coming along quite nicely. I'm learning alot and am speaking more fluent and better in our lessons and just talking to people in general. I don't have to talk in Spanish all the time but one of our teachers wants us to only speak English at the apartment, gym time, and at lunch. So from breakfast to lunch is spanish. we get a 45 minute break and then from 12- 9 it is all Spanish. Of course at the moment we don't do very well because we know enough but not tons. I'm the most fluent and know the most Spanish in my District. I translate for my companion during lessons, help him come up with words, and during class when the teacher asks a question and they don't respond within a minute or two, I help them understand what he is asking. This is my last week as District Leader. It's a good and bad thing. It's good because know I have some burdens lifted off of my shoulders and I don't have to go to so many meetings It's bad because now I'm not going to have all the information about what is going on in the zone and ways that I can help make it better because that is what we go over in my meetings on Sunday.

I'm glad to hear that Randy is doing better and that Phoebe is showing him some love and thinking about me.  I hope Jace can get a promotion and that Jeff can get the job/ buy in.

It snowed on us yesterday when we were walking home from church which is across from the football stadium. I slipped on some snow and fell on my face. It was really embarrassing. And it is snowing right now as well. It's weird having snow outside but i like it.

I'm loving it here at el CCM (the MTC). I have only two and a half more weeks to go and I'm in MEXICO!!!!! I go to get my Visa on Friday and am super stoked about that. I think I might get to go to Vegas to get it but I'm not sure. I find out tomorrow.

Well I sure LOVE you all and MISS you all so very much. But I'm so happy learning to do the Lord's work. Love you ALL!!!!!
Elder Joseph Harold Wight