Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Temple week!

Hola Madre y familia!!!

That's sad to hear about Chance tienman and Andi but everything will be ok.

Everything here is mas o menos the same here in Mexico. People don't want to progress but love having us teach them because they feel the spirit. We found a family that we are teaching that have an eighteen year old handicapped son. We taught the Plan of Salvation to the mom and daughter and the mom was bawling alot. The spirit was so strong. But we haven't been able to pass with them again. 

My asthma and hiking up and down a mountain every day is rough and i've had a terrible time breathing and coughing for the past 5 days. But, the work goes on. 

That's fun to hear that my friends got to sing a musical number for the women's conference. We got to go to the temple today and it felt so nice to be in the Lords house again. I love going to the temple and feeling the spirit so strongly. I always put your names on the prayer role when I go so there are people praying for you in Spanish :) 

My typical Sunday is waking up at 625 like every other day, shower, shave, and then we leave at 8 to try to pick up investigators. We go around and they tell us that they're busy, their kid is sick, or just plain don't answer the door. All terrible excuses. After that we go to church, after church the food appointment, and then teach for 5 or 6 hours. Thats about it.

I gave a talk on Sunday about testimonies and how as members of the church we can always have Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost with us to fill our mouths with words if we open our mouths and share the gospel and\or our testimony. Always be looking for opportunities to share and grow in the gospel. Afterwards several hermanas that call me elder baby because they say that I have a baby face told we that I did good. Then the bishops daughter told someone in the ward that she liked me. I don't know why they told me that, but know I have to be careful when we go to bishops house and its really weird...... So ya, that's my report for the week :) I love you all soooo much and know that we are doing great things.

Con mucho amor,
Elder Joseph Harold Wight!!! 

::in response to my own letter to Joe::

Its fun to hear about your pregnancy stories :) 

The work down here is way different than up there. The members every now and then will give us a reference but not very often, and they wont go with us to teach lessons. This is another reason that the tribe of Ephraim that is in charge of the gathering of Israel is mainly Americans. But I persevere (probably didn't spell that right) :)

I hope and pray that Jace can get a promotion and that everything will be fine with you and little Nashy :) thanks for the weather reports tambien!
Con Amor,
Elder Joseph Harold Wight

Monday, March 3, 2014

Working hard in the bi-polar weather

Hola madre y familia!!!!

Everything is going well here in Mexico. Im glad to hear that everything is going well back there and that things are normal.  

Yesterday we were at 90 degrees and today we are at 40 with rain. Its miserable.

Im worn out everyday and my knees are weak after hiking the mountain every day. But I know there is a reason Im here although I dont know what it is. 

So on Friday we were walking to an appointment when some chavo stole this ladies purse. I took off after him. after about half a mile, i tripped on something that was sticking out of the ground. but because I was going fast, it looked more like I dove and tackled the person. The lady was very thankful and the guy ran away and got away. It was pretty cool. But my knees really hurt because they hit the ground hard. 

Thanks for getting my pants ready to send to me. I asked you to  read D&C121 beacuse there are alot of good things that you can learn and remember there. THis change is flying by super fast and I already have 5 months in the mission. Crazy!!!!!!! 

we had a crazy encounter with a Catholic who started bible bashing with us and thinks that the Catholic church was established by God after he said that men formed many churches. I told him that God established One faith One Doctrine and One Baptism Ephessians 4 something. I then told him that god established this church and that we carry his name on our chest as missionaries and on our churches. He didnt know what to say after that and stormed off upset. Our testimonies our the strongest things that we have. Share them with all the people you can!!!! Much love and cold from Mexico!!!!! Hopefully next week I have more to write about! :)

Con mucho amor,
Elder JOseph Harold Wight


I did get transferred and my trainer stayed in Linclon. I got moved to an area called La Fama A. I literally live on a mountain and have to climb up and down all day every day. My new companion is from Nicuragua and his name is Elder Estrada. It was pretty rough on my knees the first couple of days but now Im used to it. 

The weather has been super hot and having to climb a mountain makes it worse. Im constantly sweating. I thought it was going to be super hard getting used to members and investigators that are new but it hasn't really been super hard. 

That's awesome to hear about the Gilbert Temple, Dave's baby, and now Brother Curtis!!! Thats sad to hear that the Haws are leaving. Im glad to hear that Andi had support from her ward and that her shower went well. Im grateful to hear that Randy is progressing poco a poco.

 I actually found the letter that Bro. Kartchner gave to me and I can already translate it! the same size for the suit pants please. The length and how the fit are fine. I dont have an address here so they will have to go through the office. :( 

We pay by the half hour for the computers here in Mexico. I would love to read Sally's emails. 

There was a hit and run yesterday in my area. We were with a member when we heard the crash. We ran and I was the first one there. IT was an 18 year old kid who was delivering beer to the local Tecate Shop when someone hit him. He started going into shock but i called him down, told him my name and that I was his friend. I asked him if he would let me evaluate him. I checked his hands, neck, chest, and ribs. Nothing was broken. Then when i was checking his legs and hips, he starting yelling alot. So when the ambulance got there, I had to tell them that I checked him and that everything seemed to be fine except for his legs and hip. They asked me to help them hold him still while they cut his jeans to check hjis leg. Sure enough it was broken. Then I helped them get him on a stretcher and then the cops and medical talked to me for a little bit and then we went back with the member. I also told the police and medical that there was a possibility that he did Cocaine because his pinky nail was super long and the rest were cut short. They thanked me for all of the information and said that they were glad I was there to help. Scouts and my anatomy class really helped me alot. 

Also, i know that I was supposed to be there because we were going to go with another family when me and my companion had the impression that we needed to visit a different member. The spirit talks to you. Listen to it.

 Im so grateful for the opportunity I have to be here to help the poeple of Mexico acercarse mas a Dios. Yo se que La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias es verdadera. I know that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true and the only true church on the Earth. I nkow that we are guided by a living prophet. I love you all and encourage you all to talk to one person this week that you don't nkow about the gospel and share your testimony. Its the most powerful weapon you have. I love you all sooooo much and will write you more next week. Keep strong in the Faith!!!!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Joseph Harold Wight

Feeling Confident

Hola madre y familia!!!!!!

Everything is going ok. This past Friday, Elder Campos got short changed to another area in our zone and I received the Senior Companion from there. The senior companion baptized a joven who literally fell in love and when they didnt visit her like every three days, she would make herself throw up or cut herself with glass. She then told him on Valentines Day that she was in love with him. He called Presidente Swapp and was short changed into my area. So for the past five days Ive been the senior companion having to report the dats to the DL, talk to the Sisters that feed us and answer the calls that come on the phone and report to ward council. 

I feel alot more confident in my Spanish and my ability to be a leader in very short time. President Swapp said that out of my generation of the mission, the people I came with, that I speak the most fluently and there is a chance that I will be training this next transfer. Im kind of freaking out about ransfers jajaja. Linclon will be divided into three areas, A B yC. We receive Hermanas tomorrow who will be in Lincoln B. I dont know if im going or staying.

 Im glad to hear that everything is still being ok there at home. Im super happy to hear that dad is adjusting well to his calling. The garfield strips were very funny and Elder Campos couldnt understand why it was so funny. He said, must be a gringo thing. It is jajaja. My black suit is starting to fall apart because I had to wearit at the MTC everyday and I used the pants when it rained so i didnt appear wet everywhere. BOth pairs of pants are starting to rip and the suit ripped on the underlining, I think thats what its called jaja. BUt other than that yes everything is doing ok. Im glad to hear that the work is still progressing in the ward. 

We didnt have a baptism this change, but I look at it as we planted a ton of seeds for future missionaries who come to the area. I starting to miss American food and Im missing the olympics. But helping people gain eternal life in the presence of God and their families is more important :) We had a Ward mission activity that we taught the miembros como contact their neighbors and friends and teach principles. Are ward isnt very supportive but they are becoming more supportive. If I dont get changed then I will have a specific address. But if i get changed no..... So next week we will find out.

 My health is better  and I have lost ten or fifteen pounds since coming here. It was 90 yesterday and close to 100 the day before. Today it eels like 93. Feels just like home. But I will be losing a ton more weight during these months. IM so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve this mission and to bless the people of Mexico. There is nothing better! Algo that I want to share is that Home Teaching is almost the same thing as missionary work. You go two by two and teach the principles of the gospel, keep people active or reactivate others. Home teaching is a big help to the missionaries. I love you all and will talk to you next week!!!!

Con mucho amor,
Elder Joseph Harold Wight

Mesa AZ investigators!

Hola madre y familia!!!

This week was pretty good. We are having trouble turning people we contact into investigators but this week we managed to get two. Their family is from Mesa, Arizona. Our investigator is 14 and speaks English. His family got deported from Mesa because their visitors visa expired and they continued living there. But they are very receptive and I hope they progress.

 We visited alot of members and less actives this week and everyone keeps asking when transfers are and that they will be sad. One of us is leaving and the other is staying but being divided into another area. My comp went on divisions with our DL and they visited a family. They asked where I was and they told them that I had been transferred. After that the daughter told my convert. The next day when we visited both, they started crying when they saw me and said, "You didnt leave!!!!" I felt very loved. Then one of them said that they hated Elder Campos and were pretty serious. 

It is going to hurt when I leave this area. i was "born" here, the members are super cool and like me, and I like them. The weather has been hot hot and more hot. But Im losing weight so thats good. 

Elder Dallin H Oaks comes and is going to talk to us!!!!!!! I think Elder Craig C Cristiensen too!!!! Im so excited. Changes are in a week from today in then night so next week you will not know if I have been transferred or not but in two weeks yes. 

We are always trying to find new people to teach and it is not very easy. That is part of the learning, growing, and maturing process. I Love it here ut am starting to miss American food. I eat so many tortillas, but I LOVE flour tortillas but almost all of the people use corn.

 Im happy that everyone is doing well and that dad is adjusting to his new calling. He will do great and be a great leader. Grandpa sent me and Andi a very touching email that made me cry. I hope he sends it to you as well. I miss all of you sooo much and am grateful that Jane is seeing my pictures and remembering who I am. II love you all and will talk to you later!!! Im going to send pictures :)

Con muchisimo amor,
Elder Joseph Harold Wight