Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mail, Investigators, and the gift of Tongues.

Hola Madre y familia!!!!

THings are going well here. I just got your Christmas card, a christmas card from the Carrolls and a package from Diane!
Normally I email about anywhere from 4 or 5. But that could change on the next transfer. That happens two weeks from yesterday.
The weather here is so bipolar. It can be 90 degrees at 2 in the afternoon and at 7 its 45 or 50 degrees. It makes it hard for me because I will get sick because of the quick changes and not have time to recover before getting sick again. But oh well.
 We had our zone activity today. We played basketball and ate Little Caesars, which tasted fantstic and I miss alot of American food.
Thats awesome that dad gets to be so involved in church stuff! It will bless him and our family alot! Tell him not to have fears and trust in the Lord to help him. Its always nice to hear that everything is normal and calm at home and that nothing bad is happening haha.
Thats so awesome that you get to go to the Gilbert Open house. I want to go there when I get back. We went to the temple today. its always nice to go there and do a session. I always look forward to the temple. I things are hard i think to myself, "I just need to get to the temple and everything will be fine." What a blessing it is that we have temples and that we can partake of the ordenanzas inside.
We have appointments this week with a Jehovahs Witness that hopefully is a potential investigator. She seems interested. Elder Campos and my DL went on divisions in our area and contacted a reference who is from Mesa, speaks English, and I think lived close to where we do or in the general area. So hopefully we can connect when we go on Saturday and he and his family turn into investigators.
Ryder, Matt Davis, Wesley, Zach Kircher, Hunter, and my district from the MTC are all doing very well. We talk almost every week and support each other and give each other advice.
The Lord has been blessing me bastante with the Gift of tongues because I can understand almost everything and Im geting to the point to where I dont have to translate it translates naturally. I can speak and feel comfortable starting a conversation with almost anybody and not worry about my Spanish. Its so awesome seeing the different ways that the Lord blesses me each and every day. I know that the Lord has things prepared for me and for you all as well if we keep the commandments, attend church, and always have family home evening and family prayer.
There is a section in the Doctrina y Convenios section 121 that I would like you all to read, study, and discuss how this could help each and every one of us in our day to day lives. This scripture and muchos muchos mas have helped me in my mission thus far and It pains me to put the scriptures down for our companionship study. I wish personal study was two hours and companionship was one hour. But always study the scriptures and never lose the faith. Dios les ama and quiere que estudiemos las escrituras.
Con Muchor Amor,
Elder Joseph Harold Wight

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