Monday, October 21, 2013

Hello Everyone!!!

Hola Madre y mi familia! its way different than what i thought it would be here at the MTC. You should be getting a letter soon (i dropped it off today) from the past four days so it between this email and that letter that should cover everything.

I live on West Campus at the Raintree apartments. My first companion is Elder Emmett. He's 6 foot 5 and a solid 270. He's from St. George and is really interesting. He's kind of a shy guy with an interesting sense of humor. We share an apartment with another district so there is ten of us in total. In my district there is me, Elder Emmett, Elder Hassard, Elder Lewis, Elder Holmes, and Elder Brower. I know the most Spanish out of everybody in my district. The other district that lives with us is Elder Hodge, Elder Deyoung, Elder Russo, Elder Brush. Elder Hassard, Lewis, Emmett, Deyoung, and Brower are from Utah. Elder Russo and Elder Brush are from California. Elder Hodge is from Georgia and Elder Holmes is from Pocatello, Idaho. We are all very different but very close to each other.

I was put in as District Leader the second day i was here! So i have alot of responsibility and lots of meetings on Sunday. Now i know what you and dad feel like. The third day we were here, we taught our first lesson to our investigator from Chile. His name is Rodrigo (He's really a teacher from Main campus). It was definitely a different and very exhilarating and tiring at the same time. I was so nervous! We took thirty minutes for our first discussion which is unheard of. We went in with a plan and Rodrigo was all over the place. So the plan we had was useless. So For our second discussion we decided to not go in with a plan and let the spirit guide. He only asked one question. We were disappointed and confused at the same time. We were only in there for twenty three minutes. Yesterday was Sunday obviously. We went to church at 730 and had sacrament meeting and priesthood in Spanish. That was very different for me. Then I had lots of meetings until our 7PM devotional by Elder Stephan B Allen. IT WAS AMAZING!!!! after that we watched Elder Bednar's Christmas devotional from the MTC two years ago. That was really good as well.

 My brain hurts from all the learning and remembering that i have to do. My Spanish is coming along pretty well. i can't believe it's almost been a week since i got here. Time seems to exist and not exist when you want it to. I feel almost like I'm in a dream. I never feel rested when i wake up and it feels like I've been asleep for like ten minutes. Then the day flies by. I LOVE it here and can not wait to get down to Mexico. I leave on Monday November 25th early in the morning.

I miss you guys like crazy and whenever i think about the fact that i won't see you all for two years i start crying. How's everybody doing? Is Jane missing me yet? I'm sorry to hear about Randy. But i know that the Lord is looking out for you all and that Randy will be healed when the time is right. I love you all so much and can't wait to email you again. feel free to write letters because i get the mail everyday for our district and would love to hear from all of you. I don't really get that much time to write letters at night. P.S. could you check my soccer cleats and the rest of the shoes in my room please for the shoe fresheners. I thought i grabbed them but apparently i didn't and my shoe's smell. At the moment i am using dryer sheets to keep them fresh. Love you! Adios!

Elder Wight

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